Dig.Drop.Done Featured in the Wall Street Journal


The Netherlands-based Dig.Drop.Done Foundation, made up of growers, exporters and distributors, has kicked off a three-year, $5.7 million marketing campaign to introduce new consumer groups to flowering bulbs. They're still going after women, but concentrating on young urbanites and busy mothers with little free time.
"We're selling a promise," says Peter van Schie, a Dig.Drop.Done steering-committee member. An ad from the group, emailed to subscribers of OK! Magazine, shows a fashionably dressed woman holding a little dog. The ads pitch flower bulbs as "the perfect accessory," even suggesting it's possible to plant "without ruining your manicure."
WSJ subscribers can read the full article here or pick up a copy of the October 17th paper. Be sure to share the link with your retail partners, colleagues and friends.